Armin Samii
Just a guy on a bicycle, yelling about ranked-choice voting.
I am the Founder of dashcam.bike, a small business building tools to make streets safer for city cyclists.
I founded and continue to lead RCVis, which has been used by millions of voters worldwide to better understand the results of Ranked Choice Voting elections.
Previously, I helped humans and self-driving cars communicate with graphics & visualizations at Argo AI, leading the Visualization, Remote Guidance, and User Experience teams.
Prior to 2019, I worked on fashion-technology at Avametric, a virtual fitting room startup that helps you choose the best size for your body. Prior to 2015, I worked on Photoshop Fix and Mix at Adobe, shipping some of the first mobile Photoshop apps to millions of users.
I received my Master's from the Visual Computing Lab at U.C. Berkeley, advised by James O'Brien and funded by the NSF GRFP. I received my Bachelor's from U.C. Santa Cruz, advised by James Davis.
I live in the bridgiest city in the world: Pittsburgh, PA. I volunteer with March on Harrisburg and Better Streets Lawrenceville.
Email me at hello@arminsamii.com.
Last updated: Sep 2023


Research & Patents

George Brown, Armin Samii, James F. O'Brien, and Rahul Narain
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2015

Armin Samii, Zhe Lin, and Radomir Měch
Computer Graphics Forum 2014

Rahul Narain, Armin Samii, and James F. O'Brien


Get in touch
I am Very Online™ and only a month or two behind the Good Good Memes. I even had a TikTok once. I recommend you follow me on Twitter, though feel free to choose another presence: